America's Green Communities
Where is America headed on her journey to become a greener, healthier nation? It's hard for many to see progress being made with congress invested in special interest groups and our nation's dependency on foreign oil. But slowly communities all across the country are wising up to the benefits and advantages of building green, sustainable communities.
Former President Obama's energy plan was a great start to getting the country on the right track with the environment and our energy consumption but unfortunately the plan was held up in congress. The plan outlined ways to reduce our nation's reliance on fossil fuels and create new jobs in green industries.
One of the main goals of the plan was to get twenty-five percent of our power from renewable, alternative energy by the year 2025 and to reduce carbon emissions by eighty percent by 2050. Another reachable goal is to bring the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.
These goals are achieved by installing a cap and trade program for carbon emissions.
The premise of the program would be mandated government caps on emissions; the cap would be based on allowances that would be bought in auctions. The companies who need higher allowances will have to pay for their emissions instead of just being given the right to pollute. Companies that have reduced their emissions can sell their allowance to other companies stimulating the market between businesses. Part of the revenue the government earns in these auctions will be put directly into research and technology for alternative energy strategies.
Along with the emissions cap the plan also outlined several incentive programs to get communities involved in improving the environment. The "cash for clunkers" program gives money to those replacing their old fuel burning vehicles for cars that are more fuel efficient. Tax credits would be given to those who install energy efficient appliances and alternative energy systems in their homes.
Overall the plan was looking to invest $100 billion (that's only one seventh of the financial sector's bailout) and create 2 million new jobs.
Whether the plan passes through congress or not it's clear that communities in America are choosing to show initiative and take matters in their own hands. A growing number of developments are appearing that adhere to strict green guidelines. These communities are proving that not only is living green possible but it can happen without a struggle when properly planned.
Green communities establish guidelines and use smart planning to grow. They carefully design and plan the layout of the community, paying close attention to environmental impacts and smart growth. They locate themselves within existing developments to revitalize brown fields and run down areas. This keeps the growth from spreading to undeveloped areas and preserves the existing environment (preventing urban sprawl).
The communities are designed to encourage alternative transportation and are walk-able and bike-friendly. Clean, well-lit paths are abundant throughout the area and encourage citizens to get out and enjoy their surroundings. One green community in Florida is even providing electric cars at various charging stations
in place of allowing traditional vehicles on their roads.
Water conservation is also a top priority using smart irrigation and native landscaping. It goes without saying that these communities use only energy efficient appliances. Several developments are even going completely off-grid relying solely on solar and wind power.
In these neighborhoods the structures are built using renewable, recyclable materials with emphasis on compact and efficient designs. The area leaders ensure that criteria are met before building can begin and before the structures pass inspection. All of these ideas integrate into a community that illustrates green living is entirely possible.
Cities across the nation are adopting these guidelines and smart development is taking place of giant conglomerates greedily consuming land in areas that don't need excessive expansion. Citizens are fighting back. In Lake Billy Chinook, OR the town operates completely of the grid and they like it that way.
Online forums and groups attract more and more members every day. The number of homeowners switching to renewable power grows by a third every year. Currently there are about 180,000 people living totally off the power grid. People are communicating with each other and learning we can make an impact with or without the help of congress.
Citizens are working with each other to spread awareness about the dangers of our inexcusable wastefulness of energy. Whether the government gets behind the people or not changes are being made and while they may seem small at first, overtime the citizens of this country can be heard. It's time our officials start listening to the people who pay their salaries and realize we cannot continue down the path we are on.
For more information on green communities and to connect with others passionate about change join our solar forum. Here you can discuss ideas and views with other people interested in solar power and green living. Even those just looking to save money on energy during these trying times will find useful information on becoming more energy efficient homeowners.